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YESTERDAY WE BEAT BRIDGEWATER 10-8!!! In our second straight win, the MU Saints let victory reign over Bridgewater's home turf.

Traveling 66 west to the end, we headed south on 81 and met our match; the players were set to fight and I was ready to win. I got to start (my 3rd of the season so far!) and man was it a beautiful day to play lacrosse! Yesterday's game was also KB's debut on the lacrosse field; drawing from her awesome b-ball skills, KB caused 3 turn overs and had a gb.
I managed to pull a GB and my FIRST ASSIST OF THE SEASON!!! It was an awesome quick pass in the 8 to Maria who sunk it for a goal! I jumped for joy as tears of joy threatened to let loose from my eyes. The game was tight, closer than it should have been; our skills way outmatched theirs but our team game had yet to come together. Every day we get closer and closer to greatness, each mistake being learned from and each accomplishment celebrated together.
Wally was disappointed as he had traveled to 4/5 of our previous games; all which we had lost. More importantly though, he was sad that he wasn't able to be there for that assist; though nominal, it meant the world to me to have accomplished that and he would have enjoyed being there to see it.
I enjoyed the phone call I made home, bragging to my Dad of my accomplishments. I'm looking forward to the rest of the seasons for more opportunities to bring home some gold and make him proud!
Yesterday, my team and I ventured a 5 hour bus ride to face our opponents in Finelyville, PA. We went through VA, MD, WV and PA just to get there! Washington and Jefferson College is a beautiful University with a separate athletic complex; the fields were great but the away team accommodations, not so much. My team split up into two groups and had to get changed in one of two bathrooms in the baseball stadium (next to the Lacrosse field) Guess who ended up in the men's room?
It was sunny when we arived but the sun began sinking below the mountains and it got chilly. We warmed up kind of flat, which carried into our first half. Though we were up 5-3 at the half, we weren't playing our game and came out fired up in the second half. We won 10-4 in our first win of the season; it may not have been our prettiest game so far, but it was a W and we were proud of that. I managed to grab a gb in the game and over all I think I did well; progression is gradual and I am riding this wave as far as it'll take me.
On the way home we were suppsed to have reservations at Applebees; when we called to say we were on our way, they told us not to come, that our group was too big. That was the same response our Coach got from the 4 other restaraunts near W&J's campus so we were off to the local mall. WHAT A LAUGH! You know how when you go to most malls, you see car's in the main corridors, advertising the local dealerships? Replace those cars with tractors and the 4 H club and you've got yourself a PA mall on a Friday nite.
The 4 H club had some farm animals like baby chicks and bunnys to check out and we visited the food court for dinner. What a selection! Chinese, Sabbaro, and Cheesesteaks HAHA! And mind you, were traveling in a group of 20 girls, all in MU gear, like a mob on the scene. Everyone was staring or asking, "Marymount? Where are you guys from?!" Oh yea, we're that cool!
I slept most of the way home on the bus but woke up about an hour and a half away from school, unable to sleep anymore. I was tired and cranky but Wally was waiting to pick me up on campus and I couldn't wait to see him! Our bus rolled in and off piled a group of the most tired, over-bussed girls this side of the potomac. Bus rides are fun and all, but this one was definately more than we'd bargained for. Luckily next year, they'll come to us; suckasss!
Last night when Rigo and Justin came over, they took me to get kitty litter and towing rope in hopes of getting my car unstuck. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get it out and it really sucked.
So this morning I wake up early and go outside; after putting down kitty litter and the ground freezing over night I was sure I'd get my car out but alas, to no avail. After trying to use cardboard under my wheels I took some extra and made a sign. It read "I'm Stuck Please Help!" And I stood in front of my house and waved down traffic until I got people to stop.
The first car to stop was an older couple with a subaru filled with dogs. They tried towing me out but ran into the same issue as Rigo had.
After they left I continued my sign holding, car flagging attempts to save my car and get to practice. Just when I thought I'd need to call for a ride, a gentleman in a Thunderbird said he'd be turing around to help. In the time it took him to turn around and park, I was able to flag down 2 more cars; a Toyota Highlander and a Bronco. Three total strangers stopped to help me et my car out!! In the middle of all the pushing, engine revving and calling a man with a hammer and shovel appeared to help dig my tires out. With the help of 4 total strangers, my car finally made it out!! I was estatic! I got out of my car and jumped with arms raised and a huge smile. I thanked the people for their much appriciated help and they were gone just as soon as they'd came.
Ericka comes back later today and so after our second practice (and Bowling!!) And team dinner, we'll be reunited and I can't wait!!
This past weekend was a blast and a blower all at the same time.
Friday night was Wally's last nite in the states before leaving for the Domican Republic. We hung out with Matt for a bit and then waited for E to get outta work. We met up with Justin and Rigo at my house, watch movies and hung out.
In the morning Wally left for the airport and I started counting down the minutes till I'd see him again. That time came sooner than expected when I get a call; Walls left his hiking shoes behind and needed them QUICK before he boarded his plane. So E (who had slept over my house) and I jumped in the car and were offj luckily they were leaving out of Regan so I was able to get him his shoes and say another quick goodbye before he was wisked off to tropical paradise.
As for me, I had practice later that morning; afterward's E got off of work and we went home to her house in Jefferson, MD. Mimi (her grandma) made homemade pizzas and salad and E's Aunt and Uncle (who live next door) came over too! We did laundry and hung out a bit, enjoying our down time.
Later on in the evening we decided to visit this spot Wally, Justin and Rigo visit fairly often in WV; just 25 minutes from Ericka's house there is a damn with fishing access on the Shannendoah River. It started snowing oon the way so the drive was dark but we had fun.
It snowed all night and so I was late for work in the morning, especially leaving from E's house. Sunday night I hung out with Justin and Rigo and went to sleep early; Today began our two-a-day practices.
Unfortunately the snow caused me to get stuck at my house and so my roomate Sean helped me out and gave me a ride to practice. I spent the day on campus and got a ride home from Susan.
Rigo and Justin are coming over now and hopefully they'll be able to help me get my car out!