They recently moved into their new home in Vienna, VA. They were orgininally living in a beautiful townhouse in Arlington, around the Courthouse area, just outside the city. It was a wonderful home but with Dre expecting baby #2 (a little girl named Marley!!!) in July, it was time for an upgrade.

The house in Vienna is gorgeous, as you can see. My room is downstairs, with a bathroom attached AND a walk in closet! It's going to be super fun living there this summer, especially because I'm just minutes up the road from Wally's house!
With the semester finishing up and finals coming, moving is super stressful and a lot of work; not necessarily getting into my new home, but finishing up with the McLean house. The boys and I have been working to clean the place up and get it all ready to hand back May 1st. Drew, Sean and I will be finishing up together at MU but living in different places while our 4th roomate, Jan, is moving to god knows where! I can't believe it's been a year since we've had the house together and that we're all going our separate ways.
Sounds really cool! Goodluck with your move and finals!