In the above picture, though you can't really tell, I'm wearing one of my favorite shirts; it's from Hershey Park, its bright green with orange, yellow and pink writing.
The day I got it was the last day my family and I were at Hershey this past summer. Each of my siblings and I were allotted one (reasonable) gift shop souvenir for the vacation and I still had yet to pick mine.

That was also the day we spent in the water park section of Hershey and I ended up going in in my shorts and then having nothing dry to wear but my tube top (you'll see why this detail is important in just a sec, I promise) So I decided to look for some sho
rts in the gift shop near where we were changing; lo and behold I found (and fell in love with) this shirt. The orange writing matched my orange tube top and so I wore the new shirt with my other shirt as a skirt. I looked like a starburst with all my bright colors but I was just happy to be dry (and have a sick new shirt!)
When we left Hershey, my family went home (Long Island, NY) and
I headed back towards VA, making a crucial stop at E's house where this picture was taken. Still hot with Hershey fever, I posed shamelessly in my starbursting attire before I was forced to change into something more appropriate (for another sick party; nice one E!)